
Happy Halloween

Halloween was fun.

Celeste went as Tinker Bell.
This was her first time out trick or treating. She had a blast she ran along side the stroller for blocks at a time saying tricktreat but as soon as we got to the house she would clam up. She would say TQ when they gave her candy and Chocolat when ever the gave her chocolate. Then run away from the house once again saying tricktreat.

Alyssa went as a Cheer Leader.
She had her friend Stacie with and she had a good time to a whole book bag filled with candy. She helped out with her sister a few times when mom got tired.
She also went to her first Halloween Costume party at her Friend Anthony's. She really had a blast there and learned a new game Ding Dong Dutch (most of us know this game by ring the door bell and run like hell) :-0 She was afraid Daimon and I would be mad but hey its part of growing up and Halloween it's not like she was out with eggs, TP or shaving cream (I am sure that will be coming in the next couple of years)


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