
Whats new with the girl's

Celeste is now weighing in at 10lb 14oz and she's 24 inches long. She got a few more shots and she took it much better this time cried for about 3 seconds then went back to being a happy nosey baby last time she cried all the way out to the recepton area and it took a lick or 2 from the cherry pop before she settled down enough to hear what the co pay was. She is eating baby fruit and we have even tried out a few veggies (nothing green). so far the only fruit she doesn't like is peaches I can tell because that is the only one that makes it back out of her mouth to her chin the rest she just inhales and then we get to argue the fact that she can't eat the whole jar just 1/2.

Alyssa is doing well in school she has joined chorus and band she will be playing clarinet. She has also decided to change her look this year she wants to get her hair cut short like Ophelia's (her cousin on the http://photos1.blogger.com/img/5/3889/640/HPIM0749.jpg Layna LeVau page. She also would like to dye it purple for halloween so I found a mousse at walmart that comes out after a few washes. Figured it would be better for her hair then the color sprays they just seem to get everywere and dry out her hair (we used that last year) She wants to be raven from teen titans I honestly believe it's just so she can have purple hair but hey how can I argue she's doing well in school she's happy and healthy if temp coloring in the hair is the only thing I have to worry about I think I can make the sacrifice. besides it's halloween and everyone's going to look a little wild


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