
March News

Alyssa had her play at the beginning of the month. It was really cute, I'll
try to post some photo's later this week. Uncle Brent came up for a short visit to see her preform.

Celeste is crawling all over the place and standing up holding onto things. She hasn't quite got the hang of getting back down so right now we just yell timber as she goes down :-) (strait down like a log)

Daimon is going to Atlanta GA some time this month. He'll only be gone for 2 days. He's taking the Operations Manager test and interveiwing at home office. After that we may be moving in a few months where I'm not sure we wont know till they send him. Right now it looks like either the Boston branch (In New Hampsher) or the Richmond Branch.

Well that's all I have time for know the little boss is demanding moms attention


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Richmond!! go for Richmond!

9:19 AM  
Blogger NY LeVau said...

hmmm I wonder who anonymous is lol

8:46 AM  

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