
Almost time

well 2 months to go. I liked Alyssa's entry to the world the best surprise is a good thing I'm not patient enough for this 9 month long preg thing. Alyssa is getting really excited I don't even get the hugs any more she comes home from school and hugs the belly and talks to the baby :-). Daimon and I are still tring to settle on a girls name. I hate the name Persia and he's being LeVau (aka stubburn) This week I get to go get stabbed for my last 2 TSH level tests one today then the other towards the end of the month. Brackston Hicks contactions have started so thats been fun (not) I go this week to register at the hospital I'm registering at both Horton and Ardenhill I preffer Ardenhill but ya never know and horton is a little closer. Daimons job is making him do another trip he will be in Baltimore the week of the 16th. He is not happy about that at all but he can't get out of it.


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