
My Corny Girl's

Persephonie has 4 teeth now 2 on top 2 on bottom, So we ate corn with dinner to celebrate

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Another Visit to NC

That's my Daddy
That's my mom
Alyssa taking a pic of herself on a road trip with pop pop (She got up and went to work with him @ 4 am got to Ride in the Car carrier for the day. She must have been good because she rode in the cab with him all day lol
hmmm was 2 weeks too long looks like pop is showing us the door!!! :-D
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There's my Gram she's even beautiful when she's tired

Hmmm... What is Uncle Jerry doing? Looks like he's gonna choke someone lol
When did this man get so serious ? Smile damn it
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Celeste loves the air vent @ Great Gramma's
This was her favorite place to be
Celeste & Uncle milt taking time to say Hi
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Dad & Persephonie Playing on the Bean right after her bottle and right before it took 2 paper towels to clean the baby spit off him :-)
It's Hard to see but Colby is wearing Celeste PJ top
Uncle Milt & Persephonie
Aunt Cookie & Celeste (she's hiding her tickle bone)
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