
Ophelia's Communion Congrats!!!!

She is so beautiful!

Bryan, Ophelia, & Layna

Aunt Heather, Uncle Daimon, Alyssa, Celeste, & Persephonie are very proud of her and sorry we could not be there with her
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Erica's Big nite

Erica and grandma... All ready for her cruise night out. I got to do her Hair & make up
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More mothers day fun

King of the rock!
Alyssa trying to claim Daimon's rock
Celeste trying to DO IT HERSELF! Dads not looking happy with that
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Happy Mothers Day

Daimon, me & the girls went to Bear Mountain for a Mothers day in the Mountains. We had a blast Persephonie slept thru most of it but woke happy and got to play with dad in the playground before we headed back home
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Daimon saves the Day

This was so funny Alyssa wanted to pretend to fall off the mountian & of course Celeste had to jump right in on the fun...... Boy what a little drama queen doesn't she look terrified. as soon as they got into position she stared right at the camera for the photo opp and started saying dad help..... she is a nut
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Nice weather at last

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Celeste's new Favorite toys

Just hanging out

If you look close you can see her secret ingredients in making celeste soup!
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