
Visit from VT


Alyssa & Abby
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Alyssa, Lillyann (alyssa's best friend), Victoria, & Abbigale Playing dress up for one of the many plays they made up and recorded
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Peek a Boo

Jessica And Celeste Just hanging out in the pot cab
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Vist from V.A.

Celeste resting her eyes hanging with Uncle Bryan

Athena proud to be a big Cousin
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My little monkey's

Celeste & Alyssa hanging out in their matching PJ's
Is there any dought that not only do these 2 look alike they are up to no good? Posted by Picasa


Congrats Flickenchild Family

My Cousin Steven with his first born Andrew. Posted by Picasa


Latest Trip

We took a road trip to NC to see the family
State Line Almost there Posted by Picasa

Southern NUTS

I left my camera @ Gramma's over night and this is what I found when I downloaded the pics.
I must say I was a little surpised this was all I was expacting a few moon shots from Cookie she must be getting modest as she gets older lol! I LOVE THESE NUTS Gramma & Cookie Posted by Picasa

POP PA & Celeste

Looks like dads got his hands full :-) Posted by Picasa

Me Gramma & Celeste

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Grandma & Persephonie (Jersey)

hanging out
I think they want me to go away! Posted by Picasa

Hanging out with Aunt Cookie and Great Gramma

Cookie, Persephonie, Alyssa, Natasha, Gramma, Celeste & Erica
The night before heading home to NY Posted by Picasa


Playing in the creek

Alyssa & Celeste Posted by Picasa

Afternoon snack

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Fun in the Sun NC

Mom blasting Erica & Alyssa with th cold hose Posted by Picasa

Great Gramma & Celeste

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