
A new visitor

This weekend Brent and Mom came for a visit. Brent decided to make the trip to spend his and Alyssa's birthday weekend together. Alyssa even got dad and uncle Brent to go for a bike ride the thing that you should all know is that we have 2 little girls bikes and 1 big bike so that was a sight and surprisingto see just what uncle Brent will do for the the love of his neice. I am hoping that mom got pictures for postibg it was a sight to see kind of like the bear on the motor cycle at the circus :-) Celeste got to meet grandma and show off all the new things she can do she made sure to nap as little as possible to have more show off time;-). If mom send me photo's I will be sure to post them. This weekend we are going to visit Rachelle I made sure to borrow a camera for the trip so all can see the fun we are going to have


The Hyper Sonic Layna & I did this ride. Daimon & Bryan were suppose to but chickened out watching it launch (and yes I realy mean launch) Posted by Picasa

The Drop Zone the only lucky 2 not to ride this were Athena & Daimon (this photo doesnot do this ride justice it is a nasty fast ride to the bottom)  Posted by Picasa

Visiting VA

We went out to Bryan & Layna's for Ophelia & Athena's birthday party Aug 12th. Stayed for a week we had a great time. We spent alot of time just hanging out relaxing and headed to Kings Dominion http://www.kingsdominion.com/ what fun everyone had a blast we'll have to go again next summer

Me Celeste and Alyssa Posted by Picasa

Celeste last photo (have to get the camera fixed ;-( Posted by Picasa

Top of poster signed by Mark Burrows Posted by Picasa

Bottom of poster & cast photo Posted by Picasa

Thank you letter from Mrs.Stivers and letter from Mark Burrows Posted by Picasa