
L For LeVau Posted by Picasa

Our new walk Posted by Picasa


Brent hard at work :-) Posted by Picasa

Getting the surface ready for new Posted by Picasa

No more slate walk way!! Daimon and Brent pulled up all the slate and layed it outunder the back deck Posted by Picasa

Celeste & Uncle Brent Posted by Picasa

Natasha Holding Celeste Posted by Picasa

Daimon's weekend project

Brent came to visit and Daimon put him to work they tore out the old crappy walk & layed a new brick walk way. Check out the photo's


Athena & Celeste Posted by Picasa

Ophiela Holding Celeste Posted by Picasa

Uncle Bryan Teaching Celeste how to chill Posted by Picasa

Celeste in her Brand new dress from Aunt Layna, Uncle Bryan & girls Posted by Picasa

The Beautiful LeVau Girls in there brand new Hippie dresses Layna bought Posted by Picasa

Athena eating her sandwhich (Isn't she adorable) Posted by Picasa

All bow down to the sandwhich godess Posted by Picasa

Athena making herself a sandwhich (her words not mine) Posted by Picasa


I have a minute

Sorry for the lack of posting everyone. Celeste & Alyssa have been keeping me pretty busy.
Celeste is doing great she had her 1st check up on the 24th of June, She weighed in at 6lb 5 oz which is really good she was @ 5lb 14 oz when we left the hospital. We recently measured her and she is now over 20" long.

Alyssa is taking a advancement course at Karate (Karate Camp) She goes on the weekend for 5 hr courses she earned her Red belt in Karate yestureday. she is very excited about this she's been working very hard to earn her belts so she can get closer to the black belt with her name on it in gold.
She has also been spending lots of time with her sister she has been wonderful with her. She is a very proud Big Sister!

Bryan, Layna, Ophelia & Athena came to visit. The girls got to meet and hold Celeste. I have pictures and will post them on my next free minute :-) Athena was so cute with the baby. For those of you who don't know her Athena she is a big ball of energy small in size but big in everything she does but when she held her new cousin she turned into this soft spoken gental little girl it was so funny. We have a new pet spider because of her it's name is Hardy (because she likes them like that) it is a five legged daddy long leg. Normally I just kill them but this one makes me laugh when I see it ( Layna and Byran would understand)

Ophelia & Alyssa did more bonding they spent most of there time hanging out together doing the big girl thing. They are alot alike and have alot in common including taste in clothes.

Bryan and Layna were a huge help around the house and as usual awsome to hang with can't wait to see them again. Thanks again for everything guys.

Layna also held the Spider again this time we have a photo you have to check out her blog to see it. Also got to ride in the Jeep love there new fun wheels.