
Home from the hospital. Alyssa is a proud big sister. Moms sporting a new doo (just need to go get the highlites) and she is wearing hip jeans with no hang over :-) Posted by Hello

Celeste 6lb 6oz 19 inches long  Posted by Hello

Celeste DaVinci LeVau Posted by Hello

Celeste DaVinci LeVau Has arrived

Let me tell you first that this was no Alyssa delivery. something that size is never ment to come out that quick!!!! 40 minutes from my water breaking she arrrived. No pause for breathing between contractions just contractions. This form of labor is not on my list of recommended things to do....


Just a half of the room we will be in Posted by Hello


Baby Shower ECT

My family thru the baby shower this past Saturday everything went well Alyssa was just the cutest She helped plan everything she's really getting into this whole baby thing. It was really nice Thanks to All.

Today's Doc Visit Baby is good I am good. I'm now 3 cm dilated baby is in position. and the next time this kid decides to come out it is a done deal they are not stopping contractions. Of course now Daimon has decided I need to wait 3 weeks till the actual due date so it's convenient for him. I want to glue a 15lb bowling ball to his stomach so he can suffer with me :-) There is no room left in my stomach and this child does not seem to like fetal position (My ribs ache) and really likes to use my organs as a trampoline Very active child

Alyssa is looking forward to the end of school and the arrival of the baby she has taken her sibling birth class and can not wait to actually be there and get to cut the cord. She has her hospital bag packed and waiting next to mine just in case this baby doesn't come out as fast as she did and she gets bored waiting she'll have books and fun stuff to keep her happy. We will be in a Birthing room which means other then the bed it will be like having the baby at a 5 star resort hot tub included. She has also gotten her last Green belt in Karate For every color there are 3 levels