
Todays Doctors visit

Things are going well. The offical news is the placenta has moved so c-section is out were are doing this delivery the right way. Alyssa was very excited to hear that we are back to a normal delivery and she gets to be there.


Baby News

Went for sonogram today It's A Girl!!
Everything looks good and the placenta has moved some so hopefully the c section is out. Alyssa really wants to be there to see her sister born and that can only happen if they don't have to do the c section


Our wedding day with My grandparents Posted by Hello

We made this in VA Beach this summer  Posted by Hello

LeVau crew @ Bryan & Layna's Posted by Hello

Daimon, Erica, Natasha, Stacey & Alyssa Summer trip to the city Posted by Hello

My Mother and Father Posted by Hello

Our Pet Malyssa she's bigger now then in this photo  Posted by Hello

What's New

Kids are back to school, Yeah I have the house all to myself

Great spring break Bryan and Layna came over to hang out we went thru some :-) wine and played cards. Bryan, Daimon, Ophelia, & Athena spent Thursday in the city.

The girls and I took a trip to NC left Tuesday to see my Grandma weather was nice very relaxing trip. Of course I came back Friday with swollen ankles but that has even returned to normal.

Tomorrow I go for another sonogram, Glucose test and my monthly TSH level stabbing so I will post more on that in a few days

My Handsome husband Daimon Posted by Hello

Us Posted by Hello